About Our Council
The Andover Knights of Columbus, Mother of Good Counsel, Council #1078 is a century old council of the Knights of Columbus in the second oldest state jurisdiction in the United States. We are a brotherhood of Catholic men that seek to honor the principles of the Knights (Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism) through service to our church, our community, and each other. We host numerous programs, events, and fundraisers throughout the year. We have regular meetings open to all our members. We actively seek out needs in our community and fulfill them. We actively support the needs of our fellow brothers and their family when they are in need of aid.
Council Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held on Tuesday Evenings at the Council's home on 10 Brook Street, Andover, MA. While they are not mandatory, we do ask fellow brothers to make an effort to attend when their schedule allows. Remember, your membership card is necessary for entry into the meeting.
- General Council Meeting: First Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm.
- Corporation Meeting: Second Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm.
- Social Council Meeting: Third Tuesday of the Month:
- Dinner is prepared by a member Knight and provided at 6:30pm.
- The meeting begins after dinner, usually at 7:30pm.
Council Events and Programming
Our council is involved with dozens of programs and events annually. Every month, there is an opportunity to get involved! Each program or event fulfills an aspect of our mission and the principles of the Knights of Columbus. Most of these activities fall into one or more of the following categories.
Click the title for more information:
In addition to dozens of programs and events every year, the council hosts a short list of Major Events that serve multiple purposes and involve a significant undertaken by the council. Clicking on any item will take you to a page with information on these events.
Events and Programming whose primary purpose is the support of the Catholic Church, whether it be our Parish of St. Augustine in Andover, the Archdiocese of Boston, the Vatican, or other institutions. Our Council is actively involved with St. Augustine's Parish, where our brothers provide more than 1,000 hours of service annually. The link below will take you to a list of our 2017/2018 Church-Focused Activities.
Events and Programming whose primary purpose is the support of our local community. The Andover Knights are deeply committed to the town of Andover and the Merrimack Valley as a whole. Member Knights contribute over 700 hours of service to the local community each year. The link below will take you to a list of our 2017/2018 Community-Focused Activities.
Events and Programming whose primary purpose is the support of our fraternal brotherhood, whether it be at our council, through support of other councils, the State Council, or the Supreme Council. While Andover #1078 has a robust fraternal environment fostered by our facility at 10 Brook Street and our regular scheduled meetings, social dinners, and brother-led events (basketball teams, scotch nights, etc.), our council also hosts key events throughout the year focused on our Fraternal society. The link below will take you to a list of our 2017/2018 Council-Focused Activities.
Events and Programming whose primary purpose is the support of the Knights of Columbus's mission to promote the sanctity and protection of life. The Knights of Columbus advocates the preservation of life from conception to natural death. In support of this mission, the Andover Knights of Columbus supports organizations that promote or raise awareness on alternatives to abortion, suicide, and the death penalty. The link below will take you to a list of our 2017/2018 Culture of Life - Focused Activities.
Events and Programming whose primary purpose is the support of our families in our community, whether they be here in Andover, in the broader Merrimack Valley, or elsewhere. The council is particularly active in this area through charity and corporal works of mercy. The link below will take you to a list of our 2017/2018 Council-Focused Activities.
Events and Programming whose primary purpose is the support of children in our community, whether they be here in Andover, in the broader Merrimack Valley, or elsewhere. The council is particularly active in this area through charity and corporal works of mercy. The Council also opens its facility to events that support children, advocate in the local community for programs and services to protect children, and encourage the growth of opportunities for children in our parish and community. The link below will take you to a list of our 2017/2018 Council-Focused Activities.
The Knights of Columbus has always been dedicated to the well-being and support of Catholic family life. By building upon our current programs and activities, we promote the family as a ”domestic church” where husbands and wives, parent and children, grow in their knowledge and practice of the Catholic Faith together.
Several programs throughout the year, while primarily meeting the aims of other activities are also in support of this important work by the Knights of Columbus. Andover #1078 is proud to continue in its mission to St. Augustine Parish by strengthening the catholic identity of its families. The link below will take you to a list of our 2017/2018 programs that are in support of the Building the Domestic Church initiative.
Click here to learn more details about our council's Building the Domestic Church Initiatives
Our Officers
Program/Service Directors

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Works of Mercy
Through its many programs and activities, our Council performs the following Works of Mercy every year:
Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit the prisoners
Bury the dead
Give alms to the poor
Spiritual of Mercy
Counsel the doubtful
Instruct the ignorant
Admonish the sinner
Comfort the sorrowful
Forgive Injuries
Bear wrongs patiently
Pray for the Living and the Dead