Andover Knights of Columbus – Council 1078
Andover Knights of Columbus






2023 Steak and Lobster Dinner


2023 Tootsie Roll Drive



Deadline to Donate:  October 15, 2023

Silent Auction Charity Fundraiser March 27th to April 10th. Click to see more.

2023 St. Patrick’s Day EventSilent Auction Charity Fundraiser March 27th to April 10th. Click to see more.

If you want to volunteer, reach out to Grand Knight David Tagliaferri HERE! Please consider donating now!  You can make an electronic donation by clicking HERE!  

2021 Annual Winter Warmup’s Online Silent AuctionSilent Auction Charity Fundraiser March 27th to April 10th. Click to see more.

2020 Annual Tootsie Roll Drive

Due to the ongoing pandemic and out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our members and supporters, the Andover Knights of Columbus will conduct its Annual Tootsie Roll Drive virtually.  While we cannot be out there to hand you a Tootsie Roll this year, we hope you will still help us support the people of our community with intellectual and professional disabilities. Please go to our Council Store to donate now!


2020 Winter Warmup

Join us on Saturday February 1, 2020 at the Andover Country Club for an evening of great food, great friends, music, entertainment, a silent auction featuring items from many of our local businesses, and an exciting TV Raffle. During the event, the Andover Knights of Columbus will present this year’s Torch Awards recognizing service to our Local Community.

2020 Recipients:

Andrew Flanagan, Fr. Arthur Johnson O.S.A, Jim and Peter Lafond


2018 Fall Raffle

Our 2018 Fall Raffle, including a One-Week Vacation to Orland, Florida for up to six travelers for Christmastide, is well underway.   The drawing is on Sunday Dec. 2, 2018 so you need to act fast to secure your tickets. Only 7,500 Tickets will be sold so each ticket you buy gives you a higher percent chance of winning the top prize OR any of the other 6 prizes. 2018 Fall Raffle Flyer   Complete Rules and Information  


Council News

Andover #1078 Honors Two at Winter Warmup

Benoit Thibault introducing Yvon Cormier at podium Jim Greeley sitting with family
Jim Greeley and Yvon Cormier receive the Knights of Columbus Torchbearer Award for their service to Andover and the Merrimack Valley.

Weight Room Renovations Complete!

Chronological, in-progress, photos depicting the updates
Check out the “Our Facility” page for more photos of the refresh of the Weight room and Locker room. Click here for information about updates to this part of our facility.


Council Information

Mother of Good Counsel, Council #1078 is a local Council of the Knights of Columbus.  We maintain a council home near downtown Andover at 10 Brook Street.  Together, we work towards the mission of Father McGivney to promote the principles of Unity, Charity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.  We also host regular social events at our council home and elsewhere.   Brother Knights are welcome at all events and many of our events are open to family and friends.

Have a question?  Know someone or an organization in need of our help?  A list of our Officers can be found at the Officers Page.  Please feel free to contact us!  Feel free to browse our website and list of upcoming events.  There are many ways to support the Knights of Columbus, including attending our public events, donating to the council, and joining the team!

If you would like more information about becoming a Knight, contact us by e-mail or email Chancellor Paul Dollard.

If you are ready to become a member of the Knights of Columbus, you can click the link at the bottom left on this page.

E-Mail Updates

If you wish to receive email updates from Council #1078, click the button below and register for our Email Mailing List.  Anyone is welcome to sign up! Join our email list

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