Lenten Fish Bake – Andover Knights of Columbus

Lenten Fish Bake

Event Name: Annual Lenten Friday Fish Bakes

Date/Time of Year: Three Fridays in Lent

Event Tags: Church Activities

Event Details: Each year the council prepares a fish bake meal in Smith Hall in St. Augustine Church's Parish Center. Member Knights prepare the meal, serve it, and provide friendship and support in the spirit of lent. Normally, they are held on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of lent. The Fishbake starts at 4:30pm, with the meal provided shortly thereafter and typically done by 6:30pm. Tickets are not available for the event, but at $10.00 admission is charged at the door.

This year, the Friday Fish Bakes will be held on:

  1. Friday February 23, 2018
  2. Friday March 9, 2018
  3. Friday March 23, 2018
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